Friday: Abundant Life
Saturday: Gateway Family Church
Effect the culture of those you lead.
Achieve a lasting impact.
Have you heard recently "We are in a new season..." or "God is doing a new thing..." but have wondered ... ok that is great but what does it look like and how do I participate with that?
You may have even been feeling that what worked for years or decades just does not seem to be working so much anymore and you can intuitively sense a change coming.
Here at The Well Exchange we believe that the move of God we have transitioned from the church age into is the age of the heart. So what does that practically look like?
It's been said by many trusted global apostolic and prophetic voices that move of God we are currently in is going to be a nameless, faceless movement grounded in holiness, wholeness and rooted in character. Much like the most recent revival in Asbury, we will know the evidence of this move by the peace of God leading us.
In order to live from a place of holiness, we need to make sense of what our hearts believe and have experienced. We need to orientate and understand where we are in the journey of the heart. Once we gain this crucial understanding, we can grow more into the image of Jesus, revealing His true nature in us and transforming the culture around us.
Join us for the Heart Healthy Leadership conference where we will be hosting honest and vulnerable conversations about the journey and wholeness of the heart. Our speakers will be revealing their own journeys into wholeness with the Father and have honest conversations about what the process looks like, how you can embrace it and lean into your process and encounter peace, enjoyment and right alignment in relationships.
Some of the areas of conversation will include but are not limited to...
How to make sense of the trials of the heart and discern what God is doing and how you can participate
What is the heart that the bible speaks of and how we can trust our hearts
How to make sense of the journey that you have been on
Revelation and understanding around how our hearts impact who we are mentoring and what we are building
How to access your Heavenly Scroll and how to live from a place of what is in your scroll
What true heart forgiveness looks like
How to discern the difference between spiritual warfare and God doing a deep work in our hearts and bringing wholeness
Understanding the desires of the heart and to discern if we are living from a desire filled by God or a twisted desire
Revelation and understanding around what it looks like to be known by God in our humanity and wholeness journey
The difference between striving in your wholeness journey and what it looks like to have the Holy Spirit do a deep work in your heart
The Metamorphosis journey of the heart
This is a paid event for business, church and community leaders. This will be a time of connection and encouragement with our conference speakers. If you would like to register please click the button below. There are limited seats for the event as we are looking to keep the event intimate to provide space for connection and encouragement.
6:00PM - 9:30PM
LOCATION: Abundant Life
9:00am - Noon
2:00pm - 4:30pm
7:00pm - 9:30pm
Location: Gateway Family Church | 4310 Black Gold Dr, Leduc, AB T9E 3C3
Greg and Angela met in Nashville, TN and have been married since 2016. They have 3 beautiful daughters and another child on the way (due early Feb 2023). They currently reside in Edmonton, Alberta. They have chosen to restore the home-front and have slowly become homeschoolers, casual homesteaders and choose to have work from home businesses. Angela is an American that loves warm weather, so living in Canada is an act of love for what God has in store of the nation.
Mark has many years of experience leading in local church, international Ministries and in business. He was in the senior leadership of Fatherheart Ministries for more than a decade and was the International Director till late 2021. He has spoken throughout the world in Asia, the Americas, Europe and Oceania with guest appearances on television and radio. Mark is married to Nikki and lives by the beach in New Zealand where he still gets to surf.
Mark Head
Josh and Katie-Lee are passionate about seeing our church filled with transformed people living out God's Kingdom on earth. They believe that individual and corporate intimacy with God through worship plays a quintessential role in seeing that happen. Josh is hungry to help cultivate a culture that seeks to represent Jesus in every way with lives fuelled by the power of the Holy Spirit walking in divine destiny through intimacy with God.